Issue 4: Borders

Defining decolonial liberation in Palestine

It is often easier to define and communicate the definition of a concept by what it is not. This is particularly the case for a concept that speaks to a potentiality, a…

“This is the oppressor’s language yet I need it to talk to you”

Adrienne Rich in Burning paper instead of children once said 'This is the oppressor's language yet I need it to talk to you.' As a person descended from Indian migrant parents, one…

Issue 3: Ecologies

Dust, desert and storytelling: Thinking with the grain of geography

Architect Samia Henni's edited book Deserts are not Empty is part of a major research and exhibition project on colonial toxicities that uncovers the not-very-well-known story of France detonating atomic bombs in…

Writing and burning: A poetic inquiry into collaboration and self

Aka Hansen’s film Qulleq shows how to light and tend a qulleq. In Kalaallisut, the word means ‘lamp’ or ‘above’, as Aka explained to me, but in this case it refers specifically…

Teaching multilingual South African learners: Reflections on a long history of segregation, valorisation and legitimisation

Multilingual education is one way to transform the South African (SA) Education system from historical biases that have privileged white English and Afrikaans children. As a South African academic specialising in multilingual…

Re-rooting marigolds and methodologies: Unpacking the ambivalent proximities of Eastern European whiteness

Since the evening of our meeting, morning for most of its other participants, summer has come to Kobe. The rainy season was later than usual this year - although that is becoming…

Wor(l)ds of rebellion: Rosemary rememberings, grief pedagogies and honouring the elders

A few weeks have passed since our encounter in Reading Decoloniality, – so tender, new/old/ancient threads, faces familiar from faraway territories in my memory, faces new yet recognisable. I turn to my…

Issue 2: Practice

Decolonisation as practice: Reflecting on personal and institutional journeys towards change

I am a South African academic and diversity expert whose transdisciplinary work has shown the power of decoloniality as practice. In my journey leading institutional journeys of change in academia via curriculum…

Afroscenology for British actors? Making performance pregnant with culture

If we are ‘pregnant with culture’, one of the powerful metaphors of Samuel Ravengai’s Afroscenology, then how can we select from and navigate between the inhibiting and transformational aspects of culture when…

Bates’ ‘Nothing rhymes with Ngapartji’

Today we launch the next contribution to our series of feature length films, documentaries and performances practising decoloniality, released on a quarterly basis. Navigate through my video introduction and film excerpt, clicking…

Rehoming the home

Where is home? Is it the motherland, the left-behind world of birthplace and ancestry, or is it the strange but fresh landscape of possibility and promise? Which language articulates the private self, which…
Dreaming of Words by Nandan

Nandan’s ‘Dreaming of Words’

This is the first in our series of feature length films, documentaries and performances practising decoloniality, released on a quarterly basis. I have curated these artistic works based on the quality and…

Issue 1: Critique

Postcolonial memory work as wake work

In my recent monograph, Continuous Pasts: Frictions of Memory in Postcolonial Africa, I argue that the colonial enterprise is a memory enterprise and that colonialism, among other things, is an attempt at…

Why Decolonial Studies differs from Postcolonial Studies: Ramón Grosfoguel on Modernity, Capitalism, and Race

Within this reading group led by Ramón Grosfoguel, he will articulate a decolonial approach to modernity in the face of a Eurocentric approach. He will define modernity and discuss its relationship to…

Critiques of decoloniality

Our objective for this session is to delve into critiques of decoloniality. For Tuck and Yang, decolonisation should not be a metaphor (2012). Their treatise is persuasive considering that academics are eager,…

Sanjay Sharma’s ‘Multicultural encounters’

The third chapter of Sanjay Sharma’s Multicultural Encounters (2006), ‘Teaching Difference: Representations and Rhizomes’, proposes media-based contemporary culture as pedagogical practices for students to discursively shape and make their everyday identities. By analysing…

Pre-publication reading groups 

Adam McKeown’s ‘Melancholy order’

Adam Mckeown's book Melancholy Order poses an important historical intervention in the emergence and consolidation of global border regimes. In particular, our reading group discussed how the modern state monopoly on what constitutes…

Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni’s ‘Epistemic freedom in Africa’

A term that has gained recent considerable attention in recent years is ‘epistemic decolonisation’. Epistemic decolonisation is defined in different ways, some of which are explored for application in the specific African…

Annette Joseph-Gabriel’s ‘Reimagining liberation’

In this session, Reading Decoloniality members read the introduction to Joseph-Gabriel’s Reimagining Liberation, as well as Chapter 5, 'Aoua Kéita: Rural Women and the Anticolonial Movement in Femme d’Afrique: La vie d’Aoua…

Fahad Ahmad Bishara’s ‘A sea of debt’

I suggested reading this short article to the reading group due to my interest in exploring research which seeks to differently conceptualise the Gulf region. Terminologies which echo imperial interests have been…

Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui’s ‘Ch’ixinakax utxiwa’

I selected the original text Ch’ixinakax utxima: Una reflexion sobre practices y discursos colonizadores [on practices and discourses of decolonisation] by Bolivian Mestiza Sociologist Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui for this reading group, offering the English…

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