Editorial & programming
New scholars, new ecologies: We develop quarterly programmes collectively, reaching out to contacts around the world to present for reading groups and write for publication.
This work is articulated within three teams: The Co-editors, Editorial Board and Programming Board.
Our team members are located across the world and include practitioners, academics and policy makers. They have joined through an open membership and nominate both themselves and others into these positions.
New formats that challenge existing disciplinary and praxical boundaries are celebrated. Reach out to our Co-editors, if interested in joining us.
Dr Teodora Todorova
Assistant Professor in Sociology, University of Warwick
Editorial board
Dr Giulia Champion
Anniversary Fellow, University of Southampton
Dr Ashraf Kunnummal
Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies
Dr Berenike Jung
Lecturer in Film Studies, University of Southampton
Programming board
Dr Ann Ang
Assistant Professor, English Literature, Nanyang Technological University
Dr Sakiru Adebayo
Assistant Professor of African literature at the University of British Columbia
Dr Josefine Baark
Art historian and museologist
Dr Nazry Bahrawi
Assistant Professor, University of Washington
Dr Nadeen Dakkak
Lecturer, World and Postcolonial Literatures, University of Exeter
Dr Rina Garcia Chua
Jack and Doris Shadbolt Fellow in the Humanities at Simon Fraser University
Dr Somak Biswas
Early Career Research Fellow, University of Warwick
Dr Xolisa Guzula
Senior Lecturer in multiliteracies education, University of Cape Town
Maria Jose Recalde-Vela
PhD candidate, Tilburg Law School
Dr Isabel Margarita Nuñez Salazar
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Manchester
Dr Luca Peretti
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow