Post Carousel – Style 1

Writing and burning: A poetic inquiry into collaboration and self
Aka Hansen’s film Qulleq shows how to light and tend a qulleq. In Kalaallisut, the…
Teaching multilingual South African learners: Reflections on a long history of segregation, valorisation and legitimisation
Multilingual education is one way to transform the South African (SA) Education system from historical…
Re-rooting marigolds and methodologies: Unpacking the ambivalent proximities of Eastern European whiteness
Since the evening of our meeting, morning for most of its other participants, summer has…
Wor(l)ds of rebellion: Rosemary rememberings, grief pedagogies and honouring the elders
A few weeks have passed since our encounter in Reading Decoloniality, – so tender, new/old/ancient…
Decolonisation as practice: Reflecting on personal and institutional journeys towards change
I am a South African academic and diversity expert whose transdisciplinary work has shown the…