It is often easier to define and communicate the definition of a concept by what it is not. This is particularly the case for a concept that speaks to a potentiality, a…
Adrienne Rich in Burning paper instead of children once said 'This is the oppressor's language yet I need it to talk to you.' As a person descended from Indian migrant parents, one…
Architect Samia Henni's edited book Deserts are not Empty is part of a major research and exhibition project on colonial toxicities that uncovers the not-very-well-known story of France detonating atomic bombs in…
Aka Hansen’s film Qulleq shows how to light and tend a qulleq. In Kalaallisut, the word means ‘lamp’ or ‘above’, as Aka explained to me, but in this case it refers specifically…
Multilingual education is one way to transform the South African (SA) Education system from historical biases that have privileged white English and Afrikaans children. As a South African academic specialising in multilingual…
Since the evening of our meeting, morning for most of its other participants, summer has come to Kobe. The rainy season was later than usual this year - although that is becoming…